Sink Cleaning Guide

Sink Cleaning Guide

A spotless and nice-smelling sink isn’t only a matter of aesthetics. It’s also essential for your overall kitchen hygiene. However, due to its constant use and exposure to moisture and food particles, it can easily become a hotbed for germs and odors, jeopardizing your family’s well-being.

Surely, sink cleaning isn’t one of your favorite household chores as it seems so time-consuming. But what if we tell you that with the right technique, supplies, and a bit of elbow grease, you can get a sanitized sink you’ll be proud of? Check out the article below as pros who offer house cleaning in Peru share valuable sink-cleaning hacks. Read on!

What are the best ways to clean a sink?

Different sink materials require different maintenance methods. Let’s look at some of the most common ones:

Stainless steel sink

If you have a stainless steel sink, you can use eco-friendly solutions such as baking soda and white vinegar. First, sprinkle some baking soda over the sink. Then, pour white vinegar and wait for the fizzing reaction to end. Next, scrub with a microfiber cloth to remove hardened grime and limescale. Finally, rinse and dry.

Ceramic or porcelain sinks

Baking soda paste works well on ceramic and porcelain sinks. Simply mix baking soda and a little water to obtain a spreadable paste. Coat the surface with it, scrub gently, rinse and dry. 

Composite granite sinks

When it comes to granite sinks, the best option is mild dish soap. Add a few drops into the water and apply it to your sink with a microfiber cloth. Rinse with plenty of water and dry thoroughly. Alternatively, you can use baking soda and water.

Copper sinks

Mild dish soap is the safest agent for your copper sink. Baking soda is another efficient cleaner, but you should avoid aggressive cleaners and abrasive tools as they can damage the surface.

General guidelines 

  • Rinse your sink after each use.
  • Clean regularly to avoid odor and bacteria development.
  • Don’t use any harsh abrasive chemicals and tools as they will damage the sink surface.

How do you deep clean a kitchen sink drain?

If you notice any foul smells coming out of your sink, it’s high time to deep clean the sink drain. Here is the best way to do it:

  1. Pour 2 quarts of boiling water down the drain.
  2. Pour a cup of baking soda into the drain.
  3. Add a cup of white vinegar.
  4. Put a stopper over the drain opening to contain the foaming reaction to the drain.
  5. Wait 10 to 15 minutes and then turn on hot tap water to wash away all the loosened gunk and ensure proper drainage.

How do you clean a stained kitchen sink?

Baking soda

If your sink has a lot of stubborn stains, use baking soda paste to remove them efficiently. You can pour baking soda on a sponge, add a few drops of water, and rub gently the problematic spot. This paste is safe for your copper, ceramic, stainless steel, and granite sinks.

White vinegar

You can use white vinegar to remove persistent limescale and grime from your stainless steel and ceramic sinks. Combine equal parts water and white vinegar in a spray bottle and spritz the concoction on the stain. But don’t use it for colored ceramic or granite sinks as its acidity can cause discoloration or mar the surface.

How do you deep clean a kitchen sink drain

Who offers dependable house cleaning in Peru?

Keeping your household spick and span is a daunting task indeed. You need to deal with your stove top, wipe your dark kitchen cabinets, remove mold from the grouts, and much more. How can you achieve the desired immaculate look with so many tasks? Well, hire C&C Cleaning, your hygiene go-getters.

We cooperate with the most reliable cleaning experts in Peru. They’ve been trained to tackle any cleaning challenge and they can make your living space shine while you enjoy a relaxing walk by the Wabash River. Schedule an appointment now!